Prestashop Modules
Cash on Delivery with Fee for Prestashop is a premium Prestashop module that brings the classic Cash on Delivery Payment Method to a new level! Finally, you can allow your customers to pay with cash on delivery, plus adding an extra fee for this payment method!
First of all, the module allows multiple fees! For each one, you have a whole bunch of module configuration settings available, so that you can create the custom fee you want. First, add a custom name and a custom description ( WYSIWYG editor ) to the payment method! Now, choose between flat rate or proportional fee (or even both), choose minimum and maximum amount for the fee and set a free fee order amount. Select the carries/shipping methods/zones for which the payment method is available, and set the minimum and maximum order’s total that allows the use of the method too! Moreover, you can associate the payment method only with some customer groups and you can set the initial status of the order. Last but not least, the module is compatible for both shop that use or don’t use taxes!
Smoothly integrated to Prestashop, Cash on Delivery with Fee, displays the payment fee in all the necessary frontend and admin places. In the frontend, we obviously have the checkout process where the fee is displayed both separately and in the cart-summary table. Off course the fee is added in the order’s total. But let’s not forget the order confirmation email the customer receives, the order’s invoice and the order’s detail page in order history. On the admin side now, the fee is displayed in customers orders details page both separately and in the order summary table.
Check the screenshots to get the feeling!
A whole bunch of module settings!
We wanted to you give you full control over the additional fee, and this is why we packed the module with 15+ configuration settings!
Choose between flat rate or proportional fee or even both! Set minimum and maximum fee limits, as well as a free fee threshold!
Moreover, define when the payment method is available, by choosing compatible carriers, minimum and maximum order totals, compatible user groups.
Well, and much more…
Fee smoothly integrated and displayed in the checkout process, in the cart summary, in the order invoice and in the order confirmation email.
Cash on Delivery with Fee is integrated with care into Prestashop’s checkout process and displays the payment method fee in all the necessary places.
Obviously we have the payment selection page, the order’s confirmation page with the cart summary table, the order’s confirmation email and the order’s invoice.
Check the screenshots to see the display of the fee in detail!
Fee displayed in order details / order history, both in frontend and in admin
Let’s not forget though that after an order is complete, your users need to be able to see the order’s details in their account history.
The fee is displayed there, both separately and integrated into the cart’s summary!
On the admin side now, the fee is also displayed twice in the order’s details! Your admins will get instantly informed when checking an order!
Multi-shop, multi-language and multi-currency
Cash on Delivery with Fee supports the multi-shop ability of Prestashop, allowing each administrator to manage the payment method separately for each shop!
Of course the module is multi-language, so that you can set different content for each available language!
Last but not least, the module is multi-currency, allowing your visitors to pay with the currency they prefer. The fee is automatically adjusted to your customer’s currency settings!
We wanted to you give you full control over the additional fee, and this is why we packed the module with 15+ configuration settings!
Choose between flat rate or proportional fee or even both! Set minimum and maximum fee limits, as well as a free fee threshold!
Moreover, define when the payment method is available, by choosing compatible carriers, minimum and maximum order totals, compatible user groups.
Well, and much more…
Cash on Delivery with Fee is integrated with care into Prestashop’s checkout process and displays the payment method fee in all the necessary places.
Obviously we have the payment selection page, the order’s confirmation page with the cart summary table, the order’s confirmation email and the order’s invoice.
Check the screenshots to see the display of the fee in detail!
Let’s not forget though that after an order is complete, your users need to be able to see the order’s details in their account history.
The fee is displayed there, both separately and integrated into the cart’s summary!
On the admin side now, the fee is also displayed twice in the order’s details! Your admins will get instantly informed when checking an order!
Cash on Delivery with Fee supports the multi-shop ability of Prestashop, allowing each administrator to manage the payment method separately for each shop!
Of course the module is multi-language, so that you can set different content for each available language!
Last but not least, the module is multi-currency, allowing your visitors to pay with the currency they prefer. The fee is automatically adjusted to your customer’s currency settings!
- Multiple fees
- Custom Payment Method Name
- Custom Payment Method Description
- Fixed Amount Fee or Percentage Fee Option or Both
- Minimum and Maximum Order Fee
- Free Fee Order Amount
- Minimum and Maximum Order Amount for which the payment method is available
- Compatible for both shops that use and dont use taxes
- Define tax rules ( if shop uses taxes ) that apply to the fee
- Fee calculated based on customer's currency
- Filter for carriers/shipping methods. Select for which carriers/shipping methods to allow Cash on Delivery with Fee.
- Filter for customer groups. Select for which customer groups to allow Cash on Delivery with Fee.
- Define new order status
- Supports both one step checkout and five steps checkout
- Fee displayed in Cart Summary in the last order step
- Shipping and Invoice Addresses optionally displayed in order validation page
- Fee displayed in the email the customer receives when the order is confirmed
- Fee displayed in the Invoice
- Fee displayed in customer's Orders History ( Order Details ) ( both frontend and backend )
- Fully Responsive ( both frontend and backend )
- Multi-shop
- Multi-language
- Multi-currency
Change Log
Check the demo, to see the module in action!To easily login as a customer, use the following credentials:
Password: customer
Front Office Demo