Prestashop Modules

Scroll Up

custom arrow color
custom background color
custom transparency
custom distance from end of page
Prestashop versions: 1.7.x, 8.x
Module version: 1.3.0


Scroll Up is a prestashop plugin that adds a “scroll up” button at the bottom right side of your shop! The button appears only when your visitor has scrolled down the page and by clicking on it, he gets scrolled to the top of the page! Then the button fades out!

Scroll Up is multi-shop ready and allows you to set up a different “scoll up” button for each one of your shops!

Moreover, in order to help the administrator to fully customize the “scroll up” button, we added a few necessary settings that you can customize for each one of your shops. For example, you can set the exact distance from the bottom right of the page. You can also customize the button appearance by setting the arrow color, the background color and the button’s transparency. Last but not least, you can temporarily disable the “scroll up” functionality!


Custom Colors

Scroll Up allows you to define custom colors for your button! Set the arrow color and respectively the background color, in order to get the exact result you want!


Scroll Up supports the multi-shop ability of Prestashop, allowing you to define different color settings for each one of your shops!


  • Ability to enable / disable Scroll Up settings for each shop
  • Ability to set the horizontal distance from the right of the page
  • Ability to set the vertical distance from the bottom of the page
  • Ability to set the transparency of the button
  • Ability to set a custom color for the arrow of the button
  • Ability to set a custom color for the background of the button
  • Multi-shop

Change Log

v.1.3 November 18, 2024
NEW: support for Prestashop 8.2
Dropped support for Prestashop 1.5 & 1.6
v.1.2 November 8, 2022
NEW: support for Prestashop 8
v.1.1 July 19, 2016
NEW: support for Prestashop 1.7
v.1.0 September 7, 2015
Initial release


Check the demo, to see the module in action!

Front Office Demo